Sample Essay

Timerman survived through a terrible ordeal and has written an amazing book about his experience. It is the most fascinating and the most significant book that one can read as it is enthralling in its human stories, not only that of viciousness but of bravery and love; imperative because it takes you back us how, in our world, the most dreadful fantasies may become actuality. The book is not just an autobiography, or political examination, or a sufferers cry in the night, it is all these things combined together. Timerman puts forward to us what he went through in prison and what he deliberated, and how he and Argentina got to where they were.

The author basically was a well-respected, specialized journalist in Buenos Aires, as well as editor of the major newspaper La Opinión till the time that he was kidnapped by the military for bringing out articles critical of their rebel strategy. He puts forward a detailed analysis of how as a political detainee and more drastically as a Jew, he was held and agonized by a military carried away by  own visions and rationalizations of bloodshed as well as by their strong anti-Semitism. Timerman in his book puts forward an incisive insight into the frame of mind of his captors and of a civilization that tried to pay no attention to what was happening. The book is an astonishing petition in opposition to violence of both the left and the right, and a distressing scrutiny of present-day anti-Semitism. Timmerman, an Argentine-Jewish journalist and newspaper editor whose concerns were sleaze and anti-Semitism, was jailed on April 15, 1977, after twenty civilians under army orders stormed his apartment. This is Timmerman’s account of thirty months of torment and jail time spent first and foremost in a tiny, wet cell. Because of international pressure, he was let go by banishing him in Israel. This book first came out in English translation in 1981.

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