Sample Paper

The resource library brings together the above tools together with references to current relevant publications and global health reports so that the best use can be made of available information. An annual report relating to cardiovascular disease is released. This allows for identification of trends and vulnerable groups and timely interventions.

Since this program is affiliated with the CDC, its division of Adult and Community Health, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity and Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention all collaborate to conduct research on risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Their findings, combined with the suggestions and guidelines from the societies listed above, such as the American Heart Association make for evidence based and scientifically proven strategies to reduce the burden of CVD.

The vision and partnerships of this public health program make for excellent infrastructure, and its goals are comprehensive and well-defined. Additionally, to monitor the progress and success of the program, random surveys can be conducted amongst the workforce, specially the ground level staff, to evaluate their knowledge and information regarding this health issue. If found lacking, they can be given relevant training which is already a part of this program. Distance learning can also be incorporated in the overall mission so that remote inaccessible areas can benefit from the program. Continued motivation, enthusiasm and adaptability are key to the sustainability of this public health agenda.

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