The first is the American college rheumatology method for RA, which follows the following steps; morning stiffness for six week duration, pain during motion and tenderness in one joint for the same duration, swelling in one joint, swelling in another joint for the same duration, symmetrical joint swelling which has simultaneous involvement in joints, subcutaneous nodules and lastly, changes in x-ray which are accompanied by bony decalcification.
(Fischbach & Dunning, 2008) This test uses the reference values of 0-20 U/mL based on nephelometry rates (Fischbach & Dunning, 2008). Another important test is the evaluation of IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies through cardiolipin tests. This test uses cardiolipin or a negative charged phospholipids, to associate thrombosis of arterial and venous, recurrent fetal loss and thrombocytopenia. Comparing rheumatoid factor with IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies, the reference values for these antibodies should be at less than 12 APL for IgA, less than 15 GPL for IgG and less than 12 MPL for IgM antibodies (Fischbach & Dunning, 2008).
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