Sample Essay

The path which takes the longest time through a network of activities is known as Critical path and methods which are used to define the critical path networks are called Critical Path Methods (CPM). Providing with the complete detailed drawings is a Critical Activity because if we have the listings only then we can build a prototype.
Another Critical activity includes manufacturing the hardware, advertising and developing a good marketing plan. Time can online be consumed when we are making the complete detailed drawings and at the same time designing the software that will help us save 3 weeks in which can start with the designing of the hardware, when design is being  made we can make a proper electrical design which will help us save ample amount of time. Project managers always look for this factor as in from where the time can be saved and doing things Right the First time. Hence, by doing these activities they’ll definitely save some time and you’ll end up completing the project couple of weeks earlier than the deadline.

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