Sample Essay – English Dramas

From the standpoint of plausibility, it is significant to note that; in spite of the alleged, excessive usage of evil people in English dramas, abounding examples of moral people used in their dramas are in existence. As a matter of fact, most of the English dramas that are documented today have many moral lessons compounded by the use of moral people in key roles. This has greatly helped in reinforcing the moral fabric of the society we live in today.

 Additionally, there are several positive lessons that can be found even in the dramas which use evil people as their main characters. Consequently, if we are to get a true feel of the purpose of English literatures, as well as other literatures; then it is important for us to broaden our minds and circumspectly look at the big picture portrayed by the dramas rather than subjectively looking at small facets which will get us nowhere. It is only through this, that we can be assured of getting a full grasp of the intended meaning of various literatures.

In finality, they say that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat. So if at all we are to avoid mistakes made in the past while augmenting the positives; then it is inescapable for us to go back to the annals of history and dig deeply to find our solutions. Suffice to say, I highly recommend Classical English Literature as the starting point for all relevant knowledge regarding history.

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