Sample Essay

The first and the most major problem that will be discussed in this paper is the implementation of the EIA according to different organizations. But there are solutions suggested for this problem. Lou’s Pipe Dream proposed a hyper-evolutionary model of EIA that is a solution to this problem. The model has three aspects or factors and they are as follows:

 Structure that proposes a separate enterprise information architecture or a separate business unit. There is an outgrowth but in a logical manner and of the related teams. The major goals of this factor are as follows:

o To ensure that IA is the significant objective and aim of the business unit.
o To make sure organizational learning is in a continous process.
o To avoid the poilitcal aspects of work.
o To remain independent at any cost.

Offerings should be clear, understandable and digestable. The short term memory of the consumer can retain only the recent things and any offering that has a lasting effect takes the trophy. The big and vague offerings that are hardly clear are simply a turn of for customers and they fail to leave a positive impact on the consumers memory. A lasting memory is one that stays in the long term and that can be done with a powerful offering that leaves an impact on customers. Customer expectations must be converted into delight with good offerings. Offerings are an intersection between the customers needs and the teams skills. The factors that make this intersection a fruitful one for both parties are quality control, editing, content acquisition, content authorization, line check, HTML validation, making and applying good templates, overall maintenance of architecture, indexing etc.

Louis Rosenfeld (2002) Problem and discussion of problems with solutions. Retrieved March 22, 2009, from web title Web site:

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