Sample Essay

Leadership is important where quality management is involved. When implementing practices like six sigma or ISO standards, it is the responsibility of a sane leader to make sure that such practices are carried out efficiently without any flaw being occurred so that standards are met without any failure. A leader normally has to train the employees working under him and monitoring their performance to ensure that they are performing without making any blunder. Leadership is also concerned with motivating the employees so well that their productivity and performance enhances which can result in better performance by the organization itself.

Therefore leadership is pretty strategic issue that has immense importance in sight of management and leadership shall always be effective and inspiring so that the quality improvement occurs from time to time in manufacturing as well as service processes.

Other management practices that can improve quality management are constant training of employees and coming up with seminars and symposiums that can result in increase of knowledge and skills in the workforce.

Other than that, management can always opt for searching new technology and new ways through which they can improve quality management and those ways can further be communicated to the employees so that they can be implemented.

Benchmarking is another management practice that can be pretty much fruitful as my setting standards, employees will have a certain level of target set in their minds that how much do they have to strive and put in their efforts to achieve the desired target set by the organization. Benchmarks are motivators and act as a guidance tool for employees to achieve a certain target or a goal.

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