Sample Essay

1. Customer Requirements: How potential customers requirements are identified, defined and changed.

2. Product Strategy: How new product development is aligned with internal constraints and with external factors like regulations and competition.

3. Concept Generation: How candidate concepts for new products are generated or acquired.

4. Concept Selection: How candidate product concepts are screened and concepts selected for further development.

5. Concept Design: how the selected concept is designed at a high level.

6. Detail Design & Redesign: How product details, materials, dimensions are specified.

7. Manufacturing and Launch Preparations: How manufacturing processes are developed and channels to get the product to the customer are established.

8. Product Improvement and Disposal: How product defects are identified, improvements made, and how products are disposed of at the end of life.

9. Goals: The quantified objectives of performance for the new product development system and its products.

Identifying Best Practice in New product development for a startup company is essential as there are aims and objectives which have defined that a company must know these tactics, the nature of the problems that occurs in new product developments for a startup companies.

        The companies use different tactics to implements the best practices which was earlier identified in aims and objectives.

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