In this section of the report, the weaknesses of Russian approach would be highlighted, if found. The Russian approach is best described as a scientific approach (Burton, n.d, p. 39). When Russia used the platform of internet to conduct the cyber campaign against Georgia, it told the world that attacks are not dependent on the battlefields only; they can still be done via cyber world too. In order to initiate the attack, any remote location can be regarded as a safe location (Bumgarner, 2010, p. 5). This shows that apparently there are no flaws in the Russian approach, which may be true too.

An entirely different viewpoint is adopted in the Russian IO approach. The thinking of Russian IO is rooted in their military culture, politics, and technological experiences and situations. When Russian analyse their Information operations, they incorporate the Marxist ideology, moral laws, objectives of Russian people, cultural and political events in the past. Moreover, Russian also include the “dialogue and intellectual investigation” when the Russian address their Information Operation’s operations (Burton, n.d, p. 10). Hence, it is clear that the Russian approach is not weak. What it lacks is the technological development. It already posses the power to read others mind. If Russia excels in technology, it would leave US IO behind.

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