Sample Essay

The outline of the book makes it move in a way that every single chapter makes you think of ways to improve the six fundamental human abilities, which are design, story, symphony, empathy, play and meaning and then the author pursues each chapter with pages that are highlighted grey. These human abilities are particularly related to the workplace environment, as students in elementary school would be too young to get to understand them. Design means the way a product is presented to the customer as the people no longer buy a product for just its use but also consider its look. Story telling he believes is our power to communicate with people and remember them. Symphony he believes is the way we remain friendly with one and all. Empathy means putting yourself into someone else’s shoes and feel how that person is feeling. Play is the way taken up by people to help others go through the same experiences, and he believes this is what has been used by the American army by creating a war based video game so that everyone can have the experience. Meaning he believes is something that should be there for everyone as something to live for. He believes that everyone has enough to live with but nothing to live for.
The grey pages put forward advices about the ways and techniques that can be taken up so as to improve these capabilities. For instance, subsequent to the chapter on “story” the author advices the readers to visit seminar on screenwriting. According to the author, the key to conveying value in the Conceptual Age is to get busy in activities that entail elevated notion or high touch aptitudes. High concept or elevated notion takes in generating imaginative or touching exquisiteness or appeal, becoming aware of models or prospects, as well as creating a novel amalgamation of apparently disparate ideas. High concept includes the capability to have compassion and grip nuance human interface, while finding happiness within ones own self and others, and follow reason and sense. High concept and high touch are abilities related to the right-brain which are dependant on the aforementioned six senses.

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