Sample Essay – Star Cinema Sales Analysis

TO: Mr. Simon Victor, VP Sales, Star Cinema Inc.

FROM: James Donald, Analyst, Market Research Corporation.

DATE: 23 May 26, 2010

SUBJECT: Star Cinema Sales Analysis

Dear Mr. Victor,

Thank you very much for hiring Market Research Corporation to provide sales research consultancy to your organization. As per the agreed-upon terms of the contract, our team conducted a country-wide cinema survey last month to gather data about the films shown and their gross, which would be helpful in recommending ways to enhance Star Cinema’s business.

Star Cinema Sales Analysis

The analysis of the data collected by out team has revealed that only handful of films have been able to capture the attention of significant number of audience while the rest have either been mediocre or can been deemed unsuccessful at box office.

Out of the 100 films for which our team collected data, only 7% have been able to gross more than $100 million, with Star Wars: Episode III topping the list, grossing a total of $380 million, with $108 million coming from its première in more than 3600 theatres.

The film, which received high praise prior to its debut because of its entertaining story and tremendous use of visual effects, has been more than a success at the box office, spending all 19 weeks in top films currently being shown in theatres.

23% of the films have been able to gross between $30 million to $80 million, a figure sufficient enough to deem them mediocre success, while 70% did much less than their expectations.

The worst film in terms of returns in theaters right now is Head On, which not only had a poor gross of only $20,000 but has only been able to collect $110,000 in total despite being released 10 weeks ago (Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams ).

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