Sample Essay – Managerial Process

Every organization competing in an industry depends on its managerial processes or operations to generate revenue, which assists the organization in remaining competitive in the long run. To reduce losses, these processes have to be managed effectively and efficiently while minimizing flaws or shortcomings by the managers (Gray and Larson, 2007).

If an industry is analyzed, every organization seems dedicated to devoting ample attention to its operations. This is done to ensure that the organization is heading in the right direction and that the tasks or processes utilize appropriate resources to manufacture the product or provide the services for the organization.
If operations have some flaws, for instance, if resources are being excessively used with no extra output being generated, then at this stage, the management of that organization must take suitable actions to ensure that operations or the managerial processes in the organization are managed more effectively and efficiently.

Managerial Process

If one considers large multinational organizations, it can easily be concluded that such organizations spend a significant sum of their budgets on enhancing the operational activities that form the organization’s core processes (Gray and Larson, 2007). Nike, Unilever, Nestle, Toyota, Intel and many other big names in the world are analyzing, implementing & executing managerial processes in the best way possible, which is why their operations worldwide are managed with so much ease.
Today, large multinational organizations have operations management departments that are essentially concerned with handling the operations and other core organizational activities in such a manner that it benefits the organization in the best way possible (Fincham and Rhodes, 2008).

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